Safety Precautions When Working In A Shop

Safety Precautions When Working In A Car Shop

Safety Precautions When Working In A Car Shop
Accidents in the auto shop don't just happen. They are caused by carelessness, inattention to the job at
hand, or by using damaged or wrong tools. Here are some precautionary measures to follow to avoid accidents when working in the shop:

  1. Work quietly and give the job your full attention.
  2. Keep your tools and equipment within easy reach, neatly arranged, and in their proper place, not scattered around.
  3. Keep jack handles out of the way. Stand it against the wall when it is not in use or push it under the vehicle being worked on.
  4. Never indulge in horseplay or other foolish activities. You could cause someone to get seriously hurt.
  5. Don't put sharp objects such as screwdrivers in you pocket. You could stab or cut yourself or ruin the upholstery in the car.
  6. Make sure your clothes are right for the job. Dangling sleeves or ties can get caught in machinery and cause serious injuries. Do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes. Wear full leather shoes with nonskid rubber heels or soles. Steel-toe safety shoes are best for shopwork. Keep long hair out of machinery by wearing a cap.
    Safety Precautions When Working In A Car Shop
  • Wipe excess oil or grease off you hands and tools so that you can get a good grip on tools and parts.
  • Clean up immediately oil, grease, or nay fluid spilled on the floor to prevent slips or falls.
  • Never use compressed air to blow dirt from your clothes. Never point a compressed air hose at another person. Flying particles can hurt the eyes.
  • Always wear goggles or face shield when there are particles flying about while working or eye protectors when using a grinding wheel or lathe.
  • Watch out for sparks flying from a grinding wheel or welding equipment. The sparks can set you clothes on fire.
  • Wear goggles when using chemicals such as solvents to protect your eyes. If the chemical gets in your eyes, wash them immediately in running water and see doctor as soon as possible.
  • When using a car jack, make sure it is placed securely against a solid part under the vehicle so it won't slip. Never jack up a car while someone is working under it. People have been killed by a jack accidentally slipping and the car falling on them. Always jack properly placed car stands or supports when going under a car.
  • Always use the right tool for the job. An inappropriate tool can damage the part being worked on or cause your injury.
  • Keep your hands away from the engine fan and belt when the engine is running. You can badly cut or even lose fingers if your hand gets caught in the fan or fan blade.
  • Do not stand directly in line with the engine fan when the engine is running. Some fans, specially the flex fans, have been known to throw off a blade while spinning. Anyone standing in line with the fan could get seriously hurt if hit by the blade.
  • Do not run an engine in a closed garage that does not have ventilating system. Exhaust gases  contain carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that could kill you. In a closed garage, enough carbon monoxide to kill you can collect in three minutes.