Determining Arguments for or Against and Determining the Basis for Arguing For or Against an Issue
Because we are social beings, we establish different kinds of relationships with the people around us - our family, our teachers, our friends and of special importance to us, relationships with the opposite sex.
During adolescence, we start to get attracted to the opposite sex. This attraction is normal. It is the most natural thing that can ever happen to a growing teenager. With this attraction, however, a lot of problems can arise. Many young people are misled into thinking that they are mature and strong enough to handle the responsibilities and problems that come with building relationships. Before they know it, they find themselves in a mess which affects the rest of their lives. What is sad about it is that it is not only they who get affected, The mess up innocent lives, too.
Take a Stand
There are times in our life when we are faced to make a decision. What makes the decision hard is that both sides of the issue seem equally acceptable or equally unacceptable. Let us see how we can be guided to study issues preparatory to making decisions.
Determining Arguments for or against
Given the indicated issue, choose from the following statements those that are for or against it.
A. Issue: Early Marriage
- The persons concerned do not have the emotional maturity to face the difficulties of marriage.
- The gap between the couple and their future children will not be very wide.
- They are not ready economically to be on their own and to raise a family.
- In all probability, they have not yet finished schooling.
- They can grow and develop together.
- The persons concerned will not work hard to make the relationship work since the can get out anytime.
- Children are bound to suffer if there is no commitment on the part of the parents.