LTO Driver's License Examination Reviewer

LTO Driver's License Examination Reviewer

One of the most challenging examination that a person has taken or has to take is the LTO (Land Transportation Office) driver's license examination, be it professional or non-professional driver's license. So, to help those who are needing help in order to pass the LTO examination, we have compiled several possible questions that may come out in the examination.

LTO exam reviewer

Here are some of the questions with their given answers. The highlighted blue is the correct answer.

1. While driving, you should look at the side and rear view mirror.

  • Quickly
  • Not more than a minute
  • As long as you want
  • Up to 5 minutes only
2. When changing lane in a highway, you must give a signal around
  • 1 minute before doing it
  • 1 second before doing it
  • 10 seconds before doing it
  • 5 seconds before doing it
3. Turning left is more dangerous than turning right because
  • The vehicles coming from the left are faster
  • You have to be alert on vehicles coming from the left or right side
  • The road has more lanes
  • The stirring wheel in on the left part
4. In which place you can't park your vehicle?
  • In a given parking space
  • In a parking space within the mall
  • In a place where pedestrian crosses
  • In a place where you want to go to
5. You can overtake on the right side of the vehicle if
  • The sidewalk is wide
  • The road is two-way
  • The vehicle in front doesn't want to give way
  • The highway has two or more lanes going in one direction
6. Broken yellow lane on the road means
  • Overtaking on the right side is allowed
  • Overtake fast
  • Overtaking on the left or right side is prohibited
  • Overtaking on the left side is allowed
7. Those who cannot read and obey traffic light may
  • Be a sign that they are drunk
  • Be able to save gasoline
  • Be involved in an accident
  • Be a sight that they are a good driver
8. The vehicle is parked if
  • The vehicle is not moving and the driver is sleeping
  • The vehicle is not moving for a long time and the engine is not running
  • The vehicle is not moving while unloading passenger
  • The vehicle is not moving while taking in passenger
9. What should you do to combat fatigue and sleepiness during long road trip?
  • Drink alcohol
  • Stop at nearest coffee shop
  • Stop every once in a while and rest
  • Drink medicine to keep you awake
10. Those who are caught drunk or under the influence of prohibited drugs while driving, the penalty will be
  • Suspension of license
  • Six months imprisonment
  • Php 2000.00
  • All the answers are correct
11. Two broken yellow lines on the road mean
  • Overtaking on the left side is prohibited
  • You can overtake on the right or left side if there is no danger
  • Overtaking on the right side is prohibited
  • No parking
12. When changing lanes, you should make a signal, look at the rear-view mirror and
  • Watch out for incoming vehicles
  • Horn
  • Turn on the headlight
  • Smile
13. If the vehicle's headlight in front of you is blinding your eyes, what should you do?
  • Put your headlight on high also
  • Quickly look on the right side of the road
  • Stare at the glaring light
  • Put your car on reverse mode
14. What is the meaning of yellow blinking traffic light?
  • Wait for the green light
  • Traffic light is defective
  • Stop and wait for the light to change
  • Stay alert and continue if there is no danger
15. What is the meaning of a circle, octagon or inverted triangle traffic sign with red border color?
  • Regulatory Sign
  • Warning Sign
  • Giving Direction
  • Information Sign
16. A red flag or red light should be attached to any vehicle cargo that exceeds
  • One meter from the back of the car
  • Five meters from the back of the car
  • Three meters from the back of the car
  • Two meter from the back of the car
17. When changing lanes, you should make a signal, look at the rear-view mirror and
  • Watch out for incoming vehicles
  • Horn
  • Turn on the headlight
  • Smile
18. White lines on the road
  • Sign that you can go left or right
  • Separating traffic moving in one direction
  • Separating lanes going in one direction
  • All of the above
19. You should give a signal before turning right or left in an incoming intersection at a distance of
  • 10 M (Meters)
  • 60 M (Meters)
  • 30 M (Meters)
  • 15 M (Meters)
20. What is the meaning of blinking red traffic light?
  • Broken traffic light
  • Stop and go ahead if safe
  • Slow down and go on safely
  • Wait for green light
21. What is the meaning of a traffic sign that has a square or rectangle with blue and white color?
  • Giving direction
  • Warning sight
  • Information sign
  • Giving food
22. Driving without license is against the law and is punishable by
  • Php 2,000.00
  • Php 500.00
  • Php 500.00 and the vehicle will be impounded to up to 10 days
  • Php 1,500.00
23. According to the law, you can't drive fast except when
  • You are driving a manual car
  • You are under speed limit
  • There is no danger
  • All answers are correct
24. On a highway, if you want to drive slower than other vehicles, you should stay on the
  • Middle lane
  • Right lane
  • Any lanes
  • Left lane
25. A driver is considered a professional if:
  • He/She is paid or earns money while driving a private or public vehicle.
  • He/She is expert in driving.
  • He/She is a drag racer.
  • He/She can drive all types of vehicle.
More questions are to be written here. Just keep coming for more. Thank you.